The Need For Security

All too often in the news today, we hear about some company or government entity whose networks have been compromised, exposing critical data. Many companies implement stringent IT systems, such as secure firewalls and antivirus, etc., but they usually have a dangerous blind spot, by ignoring their highest risk area: Their employees.
cybersecurityEmployees pose the largest security threat to a company’s data, not by maliciously stealing data, but because they are not aware of everyday actions that can leave their company exposed. Every employee needs to understand their role in securing their organization’s information systems. An investment in user awareness and training effectively changes behavior and quantifiably reduces security-related risks by 45% to 70%. For an organization with $200M in annual revenue, there is an 80% likelihood that infections from employee behavior will result in total costs of $2.5M per year under the status quo, and a 20% likelihood that the costs from errant employee behavior could exceed $8M. Source:
While securing networks largely falls under the responsibilities of the IT department, end-users have a real impact on an organization’s security. All the security investment in the world won’t prevent a breach from occurring if your employees don’t possess basic computer security skills. Hackers are smart, and they are persistent. If they cannot access your company’s networks through traditional means, social engineering attacks against unsuspecting employees are a viable tactic to breach a network.
While hardware and software solutions are a critical component of an organization’s overall network security, all the technology in the world cannot prevent a breach if employees don’t understand the important role they play in protecting the network. Security requires a layered approach. From the receptionist to the CISO, all employees must be trained in cybersecurity. A single weak link in the security chain can prove disastrous. Likewise, education must be layered with process and product solutions. It is only when people, process, and product work in unison that an organization is truly protected.
With AETC’s CyberSAFE end user security training, you can deliver the needed information to your employees, to eliminate security risks from everyday tasks.

For more ways to improve your company’s productivity, check out AETC’s Professional Development courses.

If you have at least 5 people we can create a session just for you.  Or, you can contact us for a private session. Contact Us

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